2015 Day 29 Prayer Requests:
Kelly: Freshman from Chicago. Please pray for her final exams.
Anna: Freshman from Tennessee. Please pray for her final exams.
McKenzie: Freshman from San Francisco: Please pray for her final exams.
Ben: SMU Athletics: Please pray for his finals.
Brian: Pray for his aunt to be healed and out of pain. She is in her mid-90s.
Kyle: Pray for his finals.
Spencer: Pray for his finals.
Rita: Student from Panama. Pray her family’s health and for their future.
Nate: Pray he can stay focused on the present. He is a junior and a believer from BYKS.
Tiffany: Pray for her upcoming Olympic tryouts for the swim team. Also for her sister as she applies to colleges.
Lupe: Pray for her finals.
Blake and Wade (and five others sitting in the circle on the grass): Pray for a strong finish with their finals and for everyone to get home safely.